Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Isn't the blogsphere great?

I found this while i was wandering around the Aikido oriented websphere and i wanted to share it. The whole blog at Aikithoughts is pretty insightful. Somethimg else i wanted to bring to someone's attention is this article at Martial Views. I think the second most difficult thing someone taking aikido faces, after falling, is the idea that it doesn't have to be perfect to be effective. That, in fact, the search for perfection might actually get in the way of achieving functional, comfortable aikido. This is only my thinking btw, and only applies to my experience. I'm going to try and collect my thoughts on that and make a post about it later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you found my blog an interesting read! I'm always happy to find others in the "blogosphere" that like to discuss these topics. I'll be sure to add a link to your blog as well.